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· 3 min read
Luca T
Hayden S

As the world moves forward, so should Horizon Networks. That's why over the coming months, changes will be made to improve our services for everyone!


First of all, we are giving Horizon Networks a revamp!

We are now known as HRZN / Horizon Hosting. This decision has been made to support the future of the business, and how we would like to grow in the future. With this change comes our updated branding, which can all be found here. You will see these logos and our new up to date colour scheme pop up across our sites slowly during the coming months. We also aim to make our user interfaces clean and consistent throughout, enabling you to have a pleasent experience.


A full HRZN Hosting branding page is currently in the works.


Pat Panel

Our Pat Panel will start to receive some gradual updates in the future, as we ramp up development!

This will include updating to our new branding, colour scheme and UI standards as well as lots of new features to improve your experience!


We are also going to reintroduce our main website, as it was a great way to advertise what we have to offer, and what you can expect from our services.

It was a great way to help customers understand our services, and why we are a good fit for them.

Along with this, we will be updating the billing panel to match our website's UI design, for seamless navigation!


Secondly, we want to be more transparent with our customers. Every piece of maintenance and downtime should have a brief incident report written, to help our customers understand where we slipped up, and what we will do in the future. This will also be met with a consistent and published set of compensation rules. Also, we will make sure to post yearly and quaterly transparency reports so everyone interested can look what has been going on for us! Overall, we will help gain trust with our customers and help them know exactly what is going on as much as possible!

Privacy and security

Finally, we want to help increase privacy and security to our internal services and customer servers. We will start by removing all our current tracking and analytics solutions, and replace them with a new privacy focused solution. Also, we are assessing our internal protocol for password sharing and infastructure access, and improving this as much as possible to protect everyone's servers and software!


Thank you for choosing Horizon, and we hope to improve our services for everyone, any suggestions are greatly appreciated! As Horizon begins to expand, we want to do things right!